About Me

I would find myself coming back to Him when I was faced with some type of struggle or the loss of a loved one but it was in the most recent years of my life that I became closer and closer to Him. I grew in knowledge and gained strength in my Faith. He has guided me with His Holy Spirit whispers and through the people He has placed in my life that He used as His vessels to help do His works here on Earth. I would not be where I am today without all of the things that have happened in my life. I am now stronger in Faith! I am now a little bit wiser in knowing scriptures! And most importantly, I am now FEARLESS!
All of my life, I have been a believer of Christ. Growing up, I went to church with my family and I had several wonderful role models who shared with me the stories in the Bible, taught me right from wrong, and prayed with me and over me. There were phases in my life where I went through seasons of not having that strong relationship with God as I would have liked or as I had once had before.